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Asset Inspection and Endorsement Pursuance

Asset inspection and endorsement pursuance 

Procurement: Asset Inspection and Endorsement Pursuance Application will help organizations automate business processes, and can identify the root cause of labor productivity, rework activities, spend-control, working capital, supply reliability, and sustainable procurement.  

This is where Navcara and Celonis combine their strengths:

  • Identify key process inefficiencies impacting performance and deploys the right people at the right time.

  • Improve the faster fulfillment time, cash flow, and sales volume and boost customer satisfaction.

  • Automate with streamlined processing that eliminates complex errors faster.

  • Reduce the operation cost and Benchmark the company's performance between different competitors.

Features & Capabilities

Pre Dashboard shows the core area of operations and latest data sources of the organization.

The executive dashboard reflects a core area of operations and provides various other data sources for the organization
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